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Interview with Tim Berners-Lee on his 2016 ACM A.M. Turing Award, the recent privacy vote, clickbait, and..
Sam Thielman / The Guardian:Interview with Tim Berners-Lee on his 2016 ACM A.M. Turing Award, the recent privacy vote, clickbait, and online advertisements — ..Read More →
Victor H. / PhoneArena:Battery life test shows Galaxy S8+ runs for 8 hours between charges, is second only to iPhone 7 Plus which runs for 9 hours, 5 minutes b..Read More →
Yevgeniy Sverdlik / Data Center Knowledge:VMware to sell its cloud business vCloud Air to French IaaS provider OVH; OVH to continue providing service as vCloud..Read More →
BBC:The online marketplace for business customers, Amazon Business, which earned $1B+ in US in year one, opens to £96.5B online business-to-business market in ..Read More →
Bloomberg:Outsourcing firms with lower-skilled staff may get fewer H-1B visas, leaving more for big US tech firms; Google says changes won't affect its softwar..Read More →
New data from the open source reveals the story of a simple javascript function. One line of code was re-invented over 100 times and duplicated over 1,000 time..Read More →
This is the fifth in a series of posts on the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH)'s development of Abbott Square, a new creative community plaza in do..Read More →
Do you run social media contests for your business? Looking for ways to make your contests deliver more than entries? A strong social media contest can generat..Read More →
The promise of blockchains is to restore trust. And to do it via a decentralized network that is beyond the control of any one institution. We've documented ho..Read More →
At the heart of the Milky Way, there's a supermassive black hole that feeds off a spinning disk of hot gas, sucking up anything that ventures too close -- even..Read More →
Posted by MarieHaynesIt has now been six months since the launch of Penguin 4.0. In my opinion, Penguin 4.0 was awesome. It took ages for Google to release thi..Read More →
Whenever someone questions the importance of proofreading, my go-to response is: "Pubic relations is quite different from public relations." We all sometimes m..Read More →
An important metric in any marketer's dashboard is sitewide conversion rate. Of course, that broad metric alone can be misleading. Though most marketers typica..Read More →
Dilbert readers - Please visit to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to More →
The announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and LG G6 shows that we may be beginning to see a move away from displays with the traditional widescreen display, wi..Read More →
Battery back up is perhaps the most pressing issue for today's' smartphone users and Taiwanese firm Asus got it right when it introduced the mammoth 5000 mah b..Read More →
Dreamers drive doers crazy. "Why don't you talk less and do more?" Fear of being saddled with futile work causes doers to resist spontaneous dreamers. Constan..Read More →
Organizations need more doers than dreamers. A team of dreamers will start a thousand things and finish none. (Yes, that's an exaggeration. Everything in this ..Read More →
We all need data on the users that matter to us most. In many cases, to get this precise data to make an impact on our marketing and business efforts, we need ..Read More →
On March 23, ClickZ Intelligence held the webinar 'The State of Social 2017' in association with Tracx. As part of the presentation, a huge number of stats and..Read More →
After the successful launch of the Moto G5 Plus, Moto has today launched the Moto G5 in India. The phone is exclusive to Amazon and will sell only to Amazon Pr..Read More →
According to a new report, a supply chain source familiar with iPhone designs has claimed that Apple has ordered 70 Million displays for the next iPhone, with ..Read More →
The truth might be out there but Mulder and Scully aren't old enough to drive to it in The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird Pop-Up Picture Book. Alright, X-Fi..Read More →
This Marvel Premier Collection Psylocke Statue is awesome. X-men fans need this one in their collection and it will display nicely. It portrays Psylocke on a r..Read More →
Selfies may have been termed a psychological disorder by scientists, but it's definitely a trend that sells. Argue as much as you want to, but duckfaces and ..Read More →
There's no substitute for good user experience, and we have often seen devices with incredible specifications on paper fall prey to seemingly underpowered fo..Read More →
If you are in the market to pick up a budget smartphone at around Rs. 12,000, chances are that you'll consider the likes of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Redmi 3s Pri..Read More →
Dave Winer recently announced the release of the Electric River desktop RSS aggregator for Mac. Electric River was created within the Electron programming lang..Read More →
Tech pundits have devoted many words in recent years to the coming demise of the desktop Macintosh. At one time, these machines were Apple's bread and butter. ..Read More →
As part of the president's immigration reform H-1B visas are going to become much harder to get for entry level programmers and those that are running outsourc..Read More →
Matthew Panzarino's take on yesterday's Mac briefing at Apple: I also ask what the moment was like, the turning point at which they knew that the current Mac P..Read More →
by Daring Fireball Department of Commerce, 12 hours ago .Save.Twitter.Facebook
Create a website with Squarespace. Our award-winning website templates are the most beautiful way to present your ideas online. You can try Squarespace for fre..Read More →
Let's not beat around the bush. I have great news to share: Apple is currently hard at work on a "completely rethought" Mac Pro, with a modular design that can..Read More →
Reed Albergotti, reporting for The Information: Long time Apple industrial designer Christopher Stringer is leaving the company in another shakeup to Apple's v..Read More →